
Find the square root of a number

Implement enqueue and dequeue using only two stacks

Chunk array

Write a recursive function that returns the binary string of a given decimal number

Return substrings with no letter appearing more than twice

Create a function that will evaluate if a given expression has balanced parentheses -- Using stacks


Write a recursive function that performs a binary search (solution 1)

Find unique emails

Sieve of Eratosthenes

Reverse array

Find the mean, median, and mode of an array of numbers

Caesar's Cipher

Ransom Note


Given an array of integers, find the largest product yielded from three of the integers

Find the missing number

Given an array of integers, return an output array such that output[i] is equal to the product of all the elements in the array other than itself. (Solve this in O(n) without division

Quick Sort

Given an array of integers, find the largest difference between two elements such that the element of lesser value must come before the greater element

Find unique elements in an array

Find the intersection of two arrays. An intersection would be the common elements that exists within both arrays. In this case, these elements should be unique!

Fibonacci Sequence

Rotate a string from left to right

Check anagram

Bubble Sort

Find all permutations of a given string

Check if two strings are anagrams of each other

Reverse string

Check if two strings are palindromes

Write a custom map function

Remove specific values and get the index between the first and last values

Write a custom forEach function

Write a custom reduce function

Search Autocomplete



Data Manipulation with JavaScript

Implement a search feature

Reverse 32-bit signed Integer

Two sum

Define a variadic sum