What are your favorite CSS3/CSS4 features?

What is middleware?

What is GraphQL

How do to connect React to Redux

Explain object oriented programming

What is encapsulation?

What is business logic?

Functional vs imperative programming

What does setState do?

Why are mixins bad?

Difference between slice and substring

What is JWT

What is Big O notation?

Explain value vs reference

Explain idempotence

What is continuous integration?

What is continuous integration?

What is declarative programming?

Explain recursion

What are the differences between Handlebars and EJS

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each js framework?

How the Web works

How the Internet works

How do you make your website accessible?

What is the n+1 query problem?

What is a singleton

Explain how JSONP works (and how it's not really Ajax).

What is webpack?

What are database clusters?

What are decorators?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Ajax?

What are the benefits of using spread syntax and how is it different from rest syntax?

Can you give an example for destructuring an object or an array?

What is Vagrant?

What's the difference between feature detection, feature inference, and using the UA string?

Describe each of the lifecycle methods in React

Explain the difference between expressions and statements

What is TypeScript?

What is a CSRF attack?

What is a functional component?

What is a higher-order component?

What is a proxy?

Describe 3 different instances of function declarations

What is a XSS attack?

What is async await?

Describe event bubbling

Explain Ajax in as much detail as possible.

What is currying

Have you ever used JavaScript templating?

What is a proxy?

Explain the bind method

What's the difference between call and apply?

What is flux?

What is git rebase?

How does for... in work?

What is the event loop?

How does for... of work?

What is the difference between a function declaration and a function expression

What is MVC?

Explain hoisting

What is redux?

What is super?

++someVariable Vs. someVariable++ in Javascript

What is the DOM?

What's the difference between an "attribute" and a "property"?

What is the difference between for and while loop?

What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

What is the difference between localStorage, sessionStorage, session, and cookies?

What is the difference between private APIs and public APIs?

Why would you want to test code?

What's a typical use case for anonymous functions?

What is event delegation?

What is a closure, and how/why would you use one?

What are ways you can optimize JS performance?

How does "this" work in JavaScript?

How does prototypal inheritance work?

How does JS inheritance work?

How does prototypal inheritance differ from classical inheritance?

What's the difference between host objects and native objects?

What's the difference between a variable that is: null, undefined or undeclared? How would you go about checking for any of these states?

Can you describe the main difference between a forEach loop and a .map() loop and why you would pick one versus the other?

Why doesn't the following work as an IIFE?

How do you organize your code?