How to set up Redux for the first time.

The hardest thing about Redux is not its concept but the initial setup and all the boilerplate code. It can be difficult to keep all the moving parts in your head.

Step 1 - Installation

Download Redux. But this is not enough. In order to use Redux with React, you must also install a binding that links Redux with React. This package is called "React-Redux", which will allow React components to access the Redux store.

npm i --save redux react-redux

You may want to install redux-devtools as well.

npm i --save redux-devtools

Step 2 - Create Actions

mkdir actions
touch types.js
touch uiActions.js

Step 3 - Create Reducers

mkdir reducers
touch index.js
touch uiReducer.js

Import all reducers in index.js and then use react-redux's combineReducer helper to merge all of them into a single reducer

Step 4 - Create the global store

In the topmost level of your app where you render the React app, import the createStore helper from redux and the primary reducer file. Then create the global store from the reducer.

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import reducer from './reducers';

const store = createStore(reducer);

Step 5 - Hook up the global store with the Provider HOC

React-redux provides a wrapper component called Provider with a prop that links the global store to your React app

import Provider from 'react-redux';

<Provider store={store}>
    <App />

Step 6 - Make a Container/Smart component

Container components link Redux store data with a parent component who then passes props down to child components.

Import the connect helper from redux, which will be used to connect props and actions with a component.

import { connect } from 'redux';
import { navbar } from 'navbar';

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
    isMenuVisible: state.ui.isMenuVisible

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({

export default connect(

You can optionally automatically bind dispatches to actions as well using redux's bindActionCreators helper

import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
    actions: bindActionCreators({toggleMenu}, dispatch)